The One World Schoolhouse
The One World Schoolhouse

The One World Schoolhouse


Salman Khan

Full Title

The One World Schoolhouse

Last Highlighted
June 20, 2015 11:56 PM (CDT)
Last Synced
June 8, 2023 1:13 PM (CDT)

Location 129:

what the future of education should look like—a way of combining the art of teaching with the science of presenting information and analyzing data,

Location 130:

delivering the clearest, most comprehensive, and most relevant curriculum at the lowest possible cost. I have many reasons for believing this, some to do with technology, some with economics. But perhaps the most compelling is the feedback we have heard from students.

Location 194:

Let me be clear—I think it’s essential for everything that follows—that at the start this was all an experiment, an improvisation. I’d had no teacher training, no Big Idea

Note: Sal Khan on Khan Acadsmy

Location 263:

sometimes the presence of a teacher—either in the room or at the other end of a telephone connection; either in a class of thirty or tutoring one-to-one—can be a source of student thought-paralysis.

Note: Sal Khan, lessons from week one w Nadia

Location 283:

Khan Academy was mysteriously coming into being—was being pulled into being by the curiosity and needs of its students and their families.

Note: Paging Geoffrey Moore

Location 321:

But when I started posting videos on YouTube, I had to abide by their guidelines. Although their rules have now changed for certain kinds of content, there was then a ten-minute limit for what the site would post. So my lessons were just about ten minutes long.

Note: Paging Marissa Meyer

Location 358:

Most importantly, the ideas that you and your peers collectively generate stick. To this day, comments and ways of thinking about a problem that my peers shared with me (or that I shared during class) nearly ten years ago come back to me as I try to help manage the growth and opportunities surrounding the Khan Academy.

Note: how much do you trust students to own?1-none, I must do work, 10-HBS case method

Location 426:

What should be fixed is a high level of comprehension and what should be variable is the amount of time students have to understand a concept.

Note: Khan riffs on Washburne

Location 447:

In study after study, mastery learning kicked butt when compared to conventional

Location 464:

technology has radically lowered the expenses formerly associated with mastery learning.

Location 478:

personal responsibility is not only undervalued but actually discouraged by the standard classroom model,

Note: preach.