Finnish Lessons
Finnish Lessons

Finnish Lessons


Pasi Sahlberg

Full Title

Finnish Lessons

Last Highlighted
December 2, 2013 10:56 PM (CST)
Last Synced
June 8, 2023 1:13 PM (CST)

Location 355:

social change connected to inclusiveness and creativity,

Location 356:

high-quality, well-trained teachers, with strong academic qualifications and master’s degrees, who are drawn to the profession by its compelling societal mission and its conditions of autonomy and support—compared

Location 358:

inclusive special educational strategy where nearly half of the country’s students will have received some special education support at some time before completing 9-year basic school,

Location 361:

teachers’ capacity to be collectively responsible for developing curriculum and diagnostic assessments together

Location 362:

linked educational reform to the creative development of economic competitiveness and also the development of social cohesion,

Location 376:

Isolation is the enemy of all improvement.