


Dave Gray, Sunni Brown, and James Macanufo

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Last Highlighted
September 6, 2022 11:56 PM (CDT)
Last Synced
June 8, 2023 1:11 PM (CDT)

Location 712:, to see what new games Dave, Sunni, and James (with the help of their dedicated community) have found to help you realize your goals.

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If you are a knowledge worker, you must become, to some degree, creative.

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Every game is a world which evolves in stages, as follows: imagine the world, create the world, open the world, explore the world, and close the world.

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Gamestorming is about creating game worlds specifically to explore and examine business challenges, to improve collaboration, and to generate novel insights about the way the world works and what kinds of possibilities we might find there.

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Game worlds are alternative realities—parallel universes that we can create and explore, limited only by our imagination. A game can be carefully designed in advance or put together in an instant, with found materials.

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By imagining, creating, and exploring possible worlds, you will open the door to breakthrough thinking and real innovation.

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Cambridge researcher Alan Blackwell and colleagues identified fuzzy goals (they called it a pole-star vision) as an essential element of successful innovation.

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Fuzzy goals straddle the space between two contradictory criteria. At one end of the spectrum is the clear, specific, quantifiable goal, such as 1,000 units or $1,000. At the other end is the goal that is so vague as to be, in practice, impossible to achieve; for example, peace on Earth or a theory of everything.

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A game, like a good movie, unfolds in three acts. The first act opens the world by setting the stage, introducing the players, and developing the themes, ideas, and information that will populate your world. In the second act, you will explore and experiment with the themes you develop in act one. In the third act, you will come to conclusions, make decisions, and plan

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Here are some examples of opening questions: "How would you define the problem we are facing?" "What kinds of things do we want to explore?" "What are the biggest problem areas?"

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Here are some examples of navigating questions: "Are we on track?" "Did I understand this correctly?" "Is this helping us to get where we want to go?" "Is this a useful discussion thread?" "Should we table this for now and put it on a list of things to talk about later?" "Does the goal that we set this morning still make sense, or should we make some adjustments

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First, what is it? And second, what can I do with it? The first question has to do with examination, while the second deals with experimentation.

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Here are some examples of experimental questions: "What else works like this?" "If this were an animal (or a plant, machine, etc.), what kind of animal would it be, and why?" "What are we missing?"

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Opening is about opportunities; closing is about selecting which opportunities you want to pursue.

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Here are some examples of closing questions: "How can we prioritize these options?" "What's feasible?" "What can we do in the next two weeks?" "Who is going to do what?"