The Sorcerer's Apprentices
The Sorcerer's Apprentices

The Sorcerer's Apprentices


Lisa Abend

Full Title

The Sorcerer's Apprentices

Last Highlighted
March 16, 2022 11:56 PM (CST)
Last Synced
June 8, 2023 1:12 PM (CST)

Location 744:


Location 756:

miserably in agreement. “At least you have plates.

Location 770:

Ferran’s creativity—the ability to totally reinvent his menu each year—rests in part on this stable collective memory, the confidence that, though the menu will change, everything else will be exactly as it should be.

Location 1248:

Of all the aspects of the food revolution, this may be the most dramatic: by endowing restaurant cooking with respect, prestige, and a measure of glamour, it has drastically broadened and improved the pool of people willing to take on the labor.

Location 1600:

It’s just that here the equation—learning for drudgery, learning through drudgery—is different.

Location 2046:

and hit

Location 2338:

For that kind of reinvention to happen, creativity can’t wait for something so fleeting as inspiration; it has to be codified. And indeed, one of elBulli’s ironies is that the more widely Ferran is defined as an artist, the more businesslike his approach to creativity has become.

Location 2426:

is changed at a time, is the most important thing that elBulli does, the basis of its creativity. Roberto González, a cooking instructor and food writer who did a stage at the restaurant in 1998, remembers the first time they got agar-agar, which by now is one of the standard gellifiers that elBulli uses.

Location 2443:

Most new dishes start with an interrogation: What happens if we freeze-dry foie gras? Can we come up with a new way to thicken a sauce? What is the best way to highlight the tartness in a lulo or the variety of flavors in soy? As the famously creative American pastry chef (and former stagiaire) Will Goldfarb explained to the New Yorker writer Bill Buford, the “operating principle was always ‘What if?’

Location 2461:

elBulli, and, as the case of the Shabu Shabu proves, the words that describe a dish routinely go through as many iterations as the ingredients that make it up. “Naming is where the psychological work happens,” Ferran explains.

Location 3103:

It is this ambition, this sense that his dishes are reaching for something more than simply tasting good, that irks his critics.

Location 3104:

His crime is less that he breaks or refuses to acquiesce to long-established rules (savory comes before sweet; sauce is liquid, not solid) than that he dares to ask, demands to ask, really, can food be art?

Location 3121:

But Ferran himself encouraged the connection by actively seeking relationships with scientists, especially the chemist Pere Castells, who first introduced him to xanthan gum.

Location 3136:

But most of them say they do not want to cook like him. It is a curious truth that although they are thrilled to acquire the techniques and fight to have the opportunity to learn to use the Pacojet or the alginate bath, the great majority of stagiaires have no plans to produce avant-garde cuisine themselves.

Location 3156:

They see cooking, in other words, as a form of self-expression equal to writing poetry or painting sunsets.

Location 3258:

But like Ferran says, you have to have monotony to have anarchy.”

Location 3317:

In general, the restaurant is open only five days a week, and after one of the monthly ten-day stretches, a luxurious four days off follow.

Location 3808:

in 2009, it was an eight-hour documentary for Spanish television on the history of the restaurant. Nor

Location 4416:

But maybe, he started to see, his true legacy lay with the people he trained who had, in turn, helped make elBulli so very exceptional. Perhaps it lay with is stagiaires.

Location 4444:

The beginning that says: food can be whatever you imagine it to be.

Location 4444:

A friend once said to me that a truly great restaurant is always about something more than what it serves. ElBulli is about change.