Expert Secrets
Expert Secrets

Expert Secrets


Russell Brunson

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Expert Secrets

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May 21, 2022 11:56 PM (CDT)
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Location 378:

Your teachability index is how teachable you are at any given time. As a kid your index is high, but after you think you know something, if you’re like most people your index drops to zero and you stop learning. This is the worst possible thing that can happen to an expert.

Location 382:

The best way to do this is for your Attractive Character to take on the identity of the reporter and interview everyone you can get access to who is a few chapters ahead of where you are right now.

Location 386:

Going to live events: I found all the seminars and workshops that were happening in my industry, and I went to every one that I could.

Location 446:

identify patterns for success and then build your own frameworks to help facilitate that success for others.

Location 465:

mastery in their process that very few people will ever have access to. Your job now as the expert is to become a framework creator. You do this by taking the information you’ve learned from tons of different sources and other people’s frameworks, looking at it, and organizing it into your own personal hypothesis for the perfect framework.

Location 538:

So your framework description should fit into this sentence: ______________________________: (your framework name) My ________-step framework (or system, process) for _______________________________ (insert result). At this point you should have the basic outline for your framework:

Location 607:

Abagnale explained that all he had to do was be one chapter ahead of his students in order to teach the class. That’s the key. You don’t have to be the most knowledgeable person in the world on your topic, you just have to be one chapter ahead of the people you’re helping.

Location 657:

Seth Godin is very generous with his time and will appear on almost any relevant podcast—but you have to have recorded at least 100 episodes first. His filter is creators who have shown they are willing to show up consistently for a long time.

Location 659:

For those of you who have been around me for any amount of time, you know that this is a soapbox that I’m very firm on. You must be publishing or you will never become relevant, and you must continue publishing if you want to remain relevant. This part of the traffic flywheel does not go away.

Location 699:

Documenting your journey versus creating an image of yourself is the difference between saying “You should . . .” versus “My intuition says . . .” Get it? It changes everything. I believe that the people who are willing to discuss their journeys instead of trying to front themselves as the “next big thing” are going to win.

Location 701:

So, when I say to put out those six to seven meaningful pieces of content a day, just pick up your smartphone, open Facebook Live, and just start talking about the things most important to you. Because in the end, the creative (or how “beautiful” someone thinks your content is) is going to be subjective. What’s not subjective is the fact that you need to start putting yourself out there and keep swinging.

Location 707:

“Okay, I started, Gary. Now what?” you ask? Keep doing it for another five years and then come back to me before you ask again.

Location 751:

Publishing your show daily, as you’re documenting your journey, will also give you a chance to start testing your material. You’ll discover what messages connect with people, which episodes get shared and which ones don’t. Which messages get people to show up and comment, and which messages don’t connect.

Location 760:

there is another definition for prolific: someone who has abundant inventiveness. They invent new, unique ideas and frameworks all the time. That’s the type of prolific I’m talking about here.

Location 771:

And while you can always recruit a few people into the crazy zone, it’s difficult to get the masses to take action all the way to the left or the right.

Location 777:

Somewhere between the mainstream advice and the crazy zone is where you want to set yourself up. I call this place the Prolific Zone. When you’re there, you’re relaying ideas that are so unique, people will notice.

Location 783:

10 This experience eventually helped him create a national phenomenon called Bulletproof Coffee. People put butter and coconut oil in their coffee to lose weight and feel amazing. For those of you who are just hearing this for the first time, it may seem a little crazy—but not so crazy that you completely dismiss it. And it’s definitely not something the government is going to recommend. Bulletproof Coffee falls directly in the Prolific Zone, and its message has made Dave a multimillionaire.

Location 789:

When your message causes polarity, it attracts attention, and people will pay for it. Neutrality is boring, and rarely is money made or change created when you stay neutral.

Location 801:

And Jay Abraham said, “If you truly believe that what you have is useful and valuable to your clients, then you have a moral obligation to try to serve them in every way possible.”12 And that is why I am so aggressive in my marketing.

Location 811:

“People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions, and help them throw rocks at their enemies.”

Location 822:

Most people who become followers and then fans will have tried to make a change before. You will not be the first person they have tried to learn from. For some reason, they didn’t get their needs met from any prior encounters.

Location 857:

First, those who pay, pay attention. Over the past decade, I’ve invited my friends and family members to sit in on events that others have paid $50,000 to attend. Not once in those 10 years has a single one of the people who sat in for free launched a successful company.

Location 860:

Yes, those who pay, pay attention—and the more they pay, the closer attention they pay. You are doing your audience a huge disservice if you undervalue what you are selling.

Location 887:

For instance, you could skim the surface in just two minutes on a YouTube video, go deeper in two hours on a webinar, or dive really deep over two days at a workshop.

Location 898:

To teach your framework, introduce it, tell a story about how you learned or earned it, share the strategy (the what you do), teach the tactics (the how you do it), and show how it has worked for others.

Location 918:

“This is the five-step framework for creating a webinar that sells any product to a cold audience in less than 90 minutes.”

Location 928:

“Do you not understand what I just gave you?” I asked the people at this small workshop. “Let me tell you what I had to go through to earn this concept so I could share it with you today.” Then I spent about 15 minutes telling the story about all the pain I had to go through, the money spent, the time lost, the testing on myself as a human guinea pig, the tests I did with others to make sure the concept worked, and the iterations we had to go through to make this perfect.